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Helping parents achieve and maintain positive sleep practices in a supportive, emotionally appropriate way for over a decade.

Lucy Wolfe, H.Dip. RM. MA.

  Sleep Consultant & Relationship Mentor

Author of The Baby Sleep Solution, All About the Baby Sleep Solution, Mum of Four

Many families experience sleep challenges, and it is not a reflection on you as a parent or a failing.  I absolutely do not believe in bad habits or blame.  I entirely feel that there is plenty of scope and opportunity to gently and sensitively encourage better sleeping tendencies from any age that you feel ready.  Although you may feel alone, frustrated and vulnerable, please know that sleep issues affect up to 70% of parents at some point in their parenting career.  Even if you feel that you have tried everything, my individualized approach will encourage a positive response and allow you to start to reach your sleep goals.

Just as every child is different, there are lots of different sleep tendencies and thankfully many solutions-my approach is holistic, emotionally appropriate, taking into account your individual child’s needs, temperament, your parenting style, family dynamics,  alongside realistic expectations and normative sleep.  My focus is to help parents become informed, enable deeper understanding, to reassure and build confidence and belief in a compassionate and non-judgmental setting that will help you during this time.

Hello and welcome to Sleep Matters with Lucy Wolfe, I am so pleased that you have found me.  I can help to transform your disrupted sleep life wherever you are located in Ireland and all around the world.

I am a Sleep Consultant, Relationship Mentor, Post-Graduate Researcher (PhD),  Mum of four children, Author of the bestselling book- The Baby Sleep Solution and All About the Baby Sleep Solution.   I have been in practice, supporting and guiding thousands of families for over 13 years.

My work is focused on helping parents to establish positive sleep practices for their children from birth to 6 years of age, with a responsive, attuned, loving, effective and supportive approach.

Parents can opt to work with me in a number of ways:

  1. You can work with me on a one-to-one basis via zoom with a personalized sleep plan, together with ongoing,  quality guidance, support, and compassion.
  2. An informal sleep chat represented by a 30 minute zoom meeting to help you gain insights and suitable from birth to 6 years. Get more information
  3. Through my books: The Baby Sleep Solution and All About the Baby Sleep Solution; both books, together or separately, can assist parents from birth to 6  years of age-establish positive sleep patterns from early days or improve your child’s current sleep tendency by following all of my approach recommendations set out for you. Buy The Book
  4. My online courses are designed to support parents with an immediately available, comprehensive step by step sleep plan, that will help you understand, achieve and maintain better sleep for your family. Courses from 0-6 years of age are now available to buy online with instant access to everything you need to start to get more sleep, including video and written guidance, over 10 easy- to- use structured sessions, together with downloadable material to further help you initiate your own personal sleep plan. Online Sleep Courses

My sleep approach takes every facet of your child’s story into account, and I help inform and identify core reasons that may be affecting your child’s sleep profile. By making appropriate changes we can gently unlock their natural, inherent sleep skill set, enabling them (and you) achieve a deeper, more rested and less interrupted sleep overnight and to nap well during the day too. All this can be achieved without leaving them to cry alone. Thanks to many years’ experience assisting families, I have a proven track record of success and can’t wait to share this with you.

I will never support or endorse leaving your child alone to “cry it out” or unattended cry intensive strategies.  I encourage you to use, when required, my Stay-and- Support Approach that allows you to be physically responsive, verbally reassuring and emotionally connected as you accompany your child. I will always encourage you to respond, to soothe and to calm them for the duration of their sleep learning journey and beyond…. as they begin and continue feel safe and secure in their own ability to sleep well.   

  • Are you exhausted? Feel vulnerable and alone. Have you tried everything, or simply just don’t know where to start?

  • Is your baby waking multiple times throughout the night?

  • Are you rocking, walking, feeding, driving, rolling, your baby to sleep and would like to change this?

  • Does bedtime take a long time…leaving everyone feeling frustrated?

  • Do you rely on the buggy or the car, nursing or the bottle to help naps happen?

  • Does your child require a parent present to achieve sleep?

  • Do you need to night wean from nursing or bottle feeds?

  • Are you replacing the dummy/soother on multiple occasions through the night?

  • Does your child stay awake for long periods of time overnight?

  • Is it easy for them to go to sleep but they have trouble STAYING asleep?

  • Do they wake very soon after bedtime?

  • Are you struggling with short daytime naps?

  • Does your child wake too early to start the day?

  • Are you spending a long time attempting day naps?

  • Do you want to end bed-sharing and room-swapping?

  • Do you want to continue bed-sharing but improve overall sleep?

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False starts at bedtime

False Starts at bedtime   A false start is a term that is popularly used to describe a child waking soon after bedtime, typically within the first hour.

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Suitable from 2 years to 99! Enjoy this all natural addition to your bedtime routine    

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What People Say

I would highly recommend her to anyone who is dealing with the sleepless nights to just pick up the phone and make that appointment with Lucy.

Our little girl was nearly 7 months when we started working with Lucy. She literally saved my sanity. I was so sleep deprived I could barely function. My partner works away and I was finding it so hard, firstly as a first time parent but also with a baby who never slept! Our girl would only sleep 45 mins at a time.
… I could find myself up to her during the night so much that I used to end up sleeping on the floor beside the cot as it was just easier that up and down all night ! I was really nervous when I rang Lucy at the start, I felt like she would think I was a bad mother for not being able to cope. Lucy was the exact opposite she was so so supportive and not once made me feel bad.

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